Felix Dennis is an expert at proving people wrong. Starting as a college dropout with no family money, he created a publishing empire, founded Maxim magazine, made himself one of the richest people in the UK, and had a blast in the process.
How to Get Rich is different from any other book on the subject because Dennis isn't selling snake oil, investment tips, or motivational claptrap. He merely wants to help people embrace entrepreneurship, and to share lessons he learned the hard way. He reveals, for example, why a regular paycheck is like crack cocaine; why great ideas are vastly overrated; and why "ownership isn't the important thing, it's the only thing."
Owned The Hustle https://t.co/cUOYQasCri. Acquired by @HubSpot. Tweet weekly about cool business ideas. My First Million podcast. @hamptonfounders
How to Get Rich: One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets https://t.co/4xokn92GhS
David Senra is the host of Founders podcast.
How to Get Rich by Felix Dennis A great book with a terrible title — Sam mentioned rereading this book all the time You can use it as a reference to revisit throughout your career Well written full of incredible stories and practical advice https://t.co/zmMiRBGA9g
"Nothing if not entertaining, even inspiring."
"An unexpected gem."
"Engaging and blunt."
"Entertaining and practical advice."
"If Machiavelli sat down at his iMac to confect The Billionaire Prince, it might sound remarkably like Felix Dennis's How to Get Rich."
-The Wall Street Journal