""As always, Ellul is full of bold ideas and assertions, brilliant and original flashes of insight, and debatable conclusions. But this is vintage Ellul in that we encounter a free, creative, thoughtful, passionate, and controversial wrestling with the biblical foundations of the faith. . . . No one leaves Ellul without being challenged to their roots, but at the same time helped to better understand and more fully appreciate the Bible and its central figure."" --David Gill (from the Foreword) ""In his usual incisive way, Ellul wants us to get much closer to the human Jesus as a way of understanding God's radical identification with the woundedness of the human condition and our call to follow the suffering, tempted, tired, abandoned Christ into the world."" --Charles Ringma, author of Resist the Powers with Jacques Ellul ""If You Are the Son of God is Jacques Ellul at his provocative best. By emphasizing the depth of Jesus's suffering and temptation, Ellul demands that we reckon with the humanity of a savior who overcame not weakness, but power, so that by faith 'man might become fully man, a real creature, ' free to love both God and neighbor."" -- Noah Toly, co-author of Understanding Jacques Ellul