Mark Green is a freelance writer and musician. He came to read Trollope more out of social embarrassment than any other cause, which seems both very English, and very Trollopian. He used to attend the annual dinners of The Trollope Society as a guest of one of the trustees and became increasingly embarrassed at having to admit each time that he had never read anything written by Trollope. Finally he decided to rectify this and, being somewhat anal about it, started with the first novel The Macdermots of Ballycloran and carried on until he had read them all, in chronological order, finishing with The Landleaguers (noting, also in geeky fashion, that these bookend novels were both set in Ireland). Subsequently he has served on The Trollope Society committee with responsibility as editor of the Society's journal Trollopiana and published a blog devoted, though not exclusively so, to Trollope called The Trollope Jupiter (which takes its title from the alternative name given to The Times by Trollope for his Barsetshire novels). His first collection of essays on Trollope and other literary topics was published under the title The Trollope Jupiter Essays. Mark has lived in the UK and Holland and has also worked for three years in Paris and Luxembourg. He is the author of the Impressions travel book series, Riding For Life: The Freewheeler's Story about the work of the blood bike service and a cookery book: Cooking with Quorn.