Carefully edited for a younger audience by multiple award-winning author and editor, Michael Oren Fitzgerald, Indian Boyhood recalls Eastman's earliest childhood memories. He was born in a buffalo hide tipi in western Minnesota, and raised in the traditional Dakota Sioux manner until he was fifteen years old. He was then transplanted into the "white man's" world. Educated at Dartmouth College, he went on to become a medical doctor, renowned author, field secretary for the YMCA, and a spokesman for American Indians. Eastman was at Pine Ridge during the "Ghost Dance" rebellion of 1890-91, and he cared for the wounded Indians after the massacre at Wounded Knee. In 1910 he began his long association with the Boy Scouts of America, helping Ernest Thompson Seton establish the organization. A 2007 HBO film, entitled Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, features American Indian actor Adam Beach as Eastman.
Michael Oren Fitzgerald is the author and editor of more than fifteen books that have received twenty-five awards, including the ForeWord Book of the Year Award, the Ben Franklin Award, and the USA Best Books Award. Michael lives with his wife in Bloomington, IN.
Heidi M. Rasch comes from a family of German artists and has been a painter since childhood. She studied fashion design and worked at Paris' famed Comédie-Française. She was adopted into the Crow tribe by Joe Medicine Crow, winner of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Heidi lives with her family in Bloomington, IN.
Charles Trimble was a former Executive Director of the National Congress of American Indians. He is an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and was inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame in 2013.