Scientific American's daily Sixty-Second Science podcast was such an unexpected success, with millions of downloads, that a spin-off site was created around the concept of bite-sized science. This new series of books will tackle the biggest topics in science by breaking them up into quick and easy two- to four-page spreads. Topics in each book will take the light and accessible tone of the 60-Second Science podcasts and blog. INSTANT EGGHEAD PHYSICS will explore quantum physics, relativity, and light. It will break down complex ideas and explore why Einstein made some big blunders, how the ipod came to be, and what it would take to make teleportation possible.
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6 Times Quantum Physics Blew Our Minds in 2022 - Scientific American
I support new technology product introduction focused on early customers and early revenue. I help startup teams generate leads and close deals.
"As we look out into the universe and identify the many accidents of physics and astronomy that have worked together to our benefit, it almost seems as if the universe must in some sense have known we were coming." Freeman Dyson "Energy in the Universe" Scientific American 1971
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New #LibriVox #audiobook Scientific American Supplement, No 446, July 19, 1984 #astromony #physics #lifescience #mechanics