Unlike other New Testament introductions that are primarily concerned with historical-critical issues or with what scholars have said, this book gets directly to the business of explaining the New Testament's background, content, and theology. The authors do not presume that readers need to be familiar with scholarly debates about the New Testament, nor do they assume those debates have necessarily raised the most important issues. Instead, this book is aimed at putting the message of the Christian Scriptures back within the reach of general readers. Although informed by the current scholarship in the history, traditions, and literature of the New Testament, this book is primarily designed to induct readers of the New Testament into sensitive appreciation and serious awareness of its major figures and concerns.
After explaining the nature of the New Testament and the world in which it was written, the authors thoroughly discuss each of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. The content and essential message of these ancient works are described in simple but dynamic language that reveals why they continue to inspire and challenge readers today. Separate chapters also explore the types of literature found in the New Testament, the life and teachings of Jesus, Paul's life and world, and the formation of the New Testament canon. In addition, numerous sidebars offer a wealth of fascinating and highly relevant background information that helps modern readers more fully grasp biblical themes. No other work on the New Testament is so accessible and enjoyable to use.
John J. Collins
"This introduction to the New Testament is exceptional for its balance of historical, literary, and theological considerations. It is also exceptional for the conciseness and clarity with which it is written. An ideal introduction for seminary courses."
The Bible Today
"A superb new introduction to the New Testament that college and seminary teachers will want to consider as a textbook."
N. T. Wright
"Anyone coming to the New Testament for the first time needs a clear and comprehensible guide, abreast of recent scholarship but not forbiddingly long or technical. Here it is."
Mark Allan Powell
"Introducing the New Testament offers the beginning student an engaging tour through a collection of writings whose importance would be difficult to measure and hard to exaggerate. The content and essential message of these ancient works is described in simple but dynamic language that reveals why they continue to inspire and challenge readers two millennia later and half a world away. Numerous sidebars and relevant explanations provide background information for understanding the original intent of the writings in ways that could not be grasped without such assistance. Fueled by both a commitment to critical scholarship and an appreciation for the theological significance of these documents, this book is an excellent text for presenting the New Testament as historical literature that continues to serve modern religious needs. "
Frank J. Matera
"Finally, we have an introduction to the New Testament that is as sensitive to the theological content of its writings as it is their historical and literary background. Achtemeier, Green, and Thompson provide just the right combination of history and theology, making this the best text yet for college and seminary students."
Leander E. Keck
"Here is a textbook that really introduces students to the content of the New Testament as it actually exists! Instead of first introducing a theory-laden critical machine for processing texts, the authors allow the content of each book of the New Testament to determine the historical, literary, and social matters that must be discussed. Because the fair and irenic treatment of the evidence and of critics' arguments helps readers develop the ability to reach their own conclusions, this readable textbook will be welcome in various settings. It's a winner. "
Richard B. Hays
"Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green, and Marianne Meye Thompson provide a clear, historically informed introduction to the New Testament as the scripture of the Christian church. This book's structure, theological content, and balanced critical judgments should make it a valuable resource for introductory New Testament courses. "