"Brian Blount has written a life-giving, faith-building work that will revitalize not only preachers, but any thoughtful Christian willing to wrestle with how the cross has been misinterpreted and employed for abusive ends. His book is especially timely in a worldwhere religion, including much of what passes for Christianity, colludes with violent and destructive powers. Blount confronts the pathologies of faith and preaching that have incubated in death and sin, and audaciously claims the healing possibilities that are opened through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."--Thomas H. Troeger, Lantz Professor of Christian Communication, Yale Divinity School & Institute of Sacred Music
"Brian Blount's new book on the importance of apocalyptic eschatology for understanding the gospel message combines in a winning and profound way a scholar's careful historical analysis of the biblical texts with a preacher's vivid articulation of the issues at stake for our world and our time. Blount's attempt to reclaim and to reinvigorate the apocalyptic worldview found in the New Testament for preaching in the contemporary American context succeeds masterfully."--Martinus C. de Boer, Professor of New Testament at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
"A strong, clear word of resurrection-induced, apocalyptic, revolutionary hopefulness." --William H. Willimon, in the Christian Century
"The word 'apocalyptic' sends many readers of Scripture into flight. No so Brian Blount, who knows both that apocalyptic theology is central to the New Testament and that popular culture reveals an obsession with apocalyptic scenarios. Invasion of the Dead takes up the Book of Revelation, the letters of Paul, and the Gospel of Mark and weaves a provocative conversation with both secular culture and the dispirited culture of American Christianity. The result is genuinely apocalyptic proclamation--a word that is convicting, energizing, and profoundly hopeful. This goes on the required reading list!"--Beverly R. Gaventa, Distinguished Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Baylor University
"This is, quite simply, a stunning book on resurrection, the deepest mystery and the boldest claim of the Christian gospel. Brian Blount is a master biblical interpreter, but here he shows himself equally gifted at theological inquiry and cultural analysis. The result is that he not only recovers a compelling biblical vision of resurrection for today, he also knocks off centuries of rust in the church's misunderstanding and enables the resurrection to shine again as the invasion of God's power into a world occupied and preoccupied with death."--Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology