Inverting the Pyramid is a pioneering soccer book that chronicles the evolution of soccer tactics and the lives of the itinerant coaching geniuses who have spread their distinctive styles across the globe.
Through Jonathan Wilson's brilliant historical detective work we learn how the South Americans shrugged off the British colonial order to add their own finesse to the game; how the Europeans harnessed individual technique and built it into a team structure; how the game once featured five forwards up front, while now a lone striker is not uncommon.
Inverting the Pyramid provides a definitive understanding of the tactical genius of modern-day Barcelona, for the first time showing how their style of play developed from Dutch "Total Football," which itself was an evolution of the Scottish passing game invented by Queens Park in the 1870s and taken on by Tottenham Hotspur in the 1930s. Inverting the Pyramid has been called the "Big Daddy" (Zonal Marking) of soccer tactics books; it is essential for any coach, fan, player, or fantasy manager of the beautiful game.
"Wilson’s book is at once a crash course in soccer strategy and a scrupulous history that traces the sport’s evolution and chronicles how playing styles have risen and fallen against a constantly evolving tactical landscape."
Kyle Schnitzer is a reporter, editor and writer.
Random book/soccer anecdote: Patrick Vieira had a copy of @jonawils's "Inverting the Pyramid" bookmarked/highlighted in his office when we toured #NYCFC new facilities last year. I was reminded of it when I started thumbing through the book this weekend.
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Congratulations @jonawils! Your book, Inverting The Pyramid, made it to BookAuthority's list of best Soccer Coaching books of all time!