This book is different from all those other books on Italy. You know the ones. It won't tell you the history of the Coliseum; it won't describe every building on the Grand Canal. Neither will it tell you when the Leaning Tower began to fall. It doesn't have those glitzy color pictures. It won't have descriptions of the lobbies of all those five star hotels which you probably can't afford anyway. Let's face it, who wants to pay $600 to sleep for the night! And, it won't weigh three pounds for you to lug around.It's a different kind of book. If you are planning a vacation in Italy you will need two books. First and most important you will need this book. Secondly, you will need one of those books described above. Kaufman's book describes over 360 tips you need to know when planning your trip to Italy. You won't find all those tips in that other book or any other book. If you ever dreamed of a trip to Italy and put it on the back burner because those escorted tours were too expensive or you were afraid of "doing" it yourself, then this is the book for you. Kaufman ran fully escorted tours for over 35 years. To boot, he made his 31st trip to Italy in September of 2019. In his latest book he lays out the basic itinerary of visits to Rome, Florence and Venice (10 days). If you have more time, he provides you with optional extensions to the Amalfi area or in the north to Milan and the Lakes District. Are you afraid of renting a car in a foreign country and driving around or won't be able to speak the language? And, what to see and do each day to maximize your time? Sounds scary doesn't it? Kaufman's book takes all the guess work out of planning a vacation to Italy. And secondly it follows a logical sequence. His tips are not scattered here and there across the book. He starts with Planning and the Basics and then progresses to 35 pages devoted to detailed Itineraries.The Planning and Basics Chapter includes all the tips related to flying the Atlantic and tips related to air tickets and getting the "best deal". He then progresses to detail tips on hotels and reservations. Ever check in to a hotel from that over-night flight and find you just couldn't take a nap? Kaufman tells you how to avoid this and so many other problem areas related to hotels.Other chapters include Driving in Italy, Train Travel through Italy, Restaurants-Meals, Security, Cash and Credit Cards and other tips. There are also chapters outside of the itineraries chapter devoted to Rome, Florence and Venice. Italy is not like Disneyland. You just can't walk in the gate and enjoy all those rides. You have to plan your travel time (whether you are driving or taking the train), and days accordingly. If you don't, you will miss seeing those critical attractions. This book shows you how to do it and avoid all those problems, usually resulting from poor or no planning at all. Buy it now and eliminate all that stress.