The Missing Piece. Because the full significance of the Passover/Exodus has been misunderstood, the Church worldwide has been deprived of the teaching of Jesus and the apostles on this key event in Jewish and world history. The evidence for this is displayed throughout the pages of the Church's history.
Here, in this groundbreaking study, the Exodus and the Passover are explored to recover a vital missing piece in understanding how God saves people. This easy-to-read book brings a new level of understanding of Jesus and what He has achieved for His people through His death and resurrection and is a book for all Christians, regardless of their denominational affiliations.
No one has explored the Exodus motif in the Bible as thoroughly and as well as has Tom Holland in this comprehensive book. I commend his work as worthy of prolonged consideration regarding this intriguing and provocative motif that attempts to unify the witness of the New Testament, presented by someone who has devoted years to its study and thoughtful consideration.
- Stanley E. Porter, President, Dean, and Professor of New Testament, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Publishers make bold and unsubstantiated claims for their books. You know the kind of thing: "This book will change the church as we know it!" The subtitle of Tom Holland's book is certainly a bold one: "Discovering the Key that Unlocks Scripture", but he presents plenty of evidence to substantiate such a claim. This is no surprise to those who know him. He has spent a lifetime researching the Old Testament background to the theology of the Apostle Paul and he is the Senior Research Fellow at Union School of Theology.
- John Lewis (former manager of one of the largest Christian bookshops in Cardiff)
In an era where evangelical Christians seem to produce either detailed, scholarly, treatises, or overly generalised work, this book is a gem in providing important, and sometimes theoretical theological issues in a very readable and straightforward format. Using easy-to-follow narrative style writing, the reader is taken on a journey with the author to explore the apostle Paul's methodology, the Old Testament exoduses, and the culminating realisation of the new exodus, as discovered in the New Testament.
- Roy Harries, Accountant
This book is written particularly for the non-theologian - i.e. me! And as I read it, I felt as if Tom was kindly speaking directly to me and explaining ideas that I had never even thought of before. Jesus and the Exodus is a brilliant book and has opened up to me the thoughts of Paul in his letter to the Romans, and how this relates to the Old Testament.
- Frances Aldridge GP