Like a ragtag band of followers two thousand years ago, you will never be the same again after such an up close and personal encounter.
"He is Jesus, the One and Only, transcendent over all else," writes Moore. "To know Him is to love Him. To love Him is to long for Him. To long for Him is to finally reach soul hands into the One true thing we need never get enough of . . . Jesus Christ. He's all you need."
Available for the first time in trade paper, this new edition also features an excerpt from Moore's Jesus, the One and Only Bible study.
Es escritora y maestra de libros y estudios bíblicos que han sido éxitos de librería, y viaja por todo Estados Unidos dando conferencias. Esposa y madre dedicada de dos hijas adultas, Moore, vive en Houston, Texas, donde es presidente y fundadora del ministerio Living Proof Ministries.