The racial divide running through America involves ethnic, cultural, historical, and political differences. That divide also affects the Church in America, which remains 93 percent monocultural. Although multi-ethnic congregations represent a growing trend, they face the challenges of racial and political tensions that could undermine their unity. Congregations that successfully navigate these challenges carry the potential to help heal the nation's racial divisions. With that in mind, Pastor Terry Roberts developed a practical strategy to help members of his multi-racial church move beyond mere reconciliation and experience authentic biblical fellowship, or koinonia. This strategy was a six-week, small group experience that brought together black and white members for discovery, guided dialogue, and fellowship in a spiritual and relational atmosphere. This "Journey to Koinonia" resulted in stronger interracial relationships. This book tells the story of that Journey and it helped one church bridge the racial-cultural-political divide. It also includes a Facilitator's Guide with step-by-step instructions and copies of materials for those who may wish to conduct a "Journey" in their church or group.The curriculum companion to this book also by Terry Roberts is Beyond Reconciliation: Experiencing Koinonia Across the Racial Divide.