Say Cheese!
Karen has to get glasses -- two pairs! One pair for reading and one for all the time. Karen does not want glasses. Her school pictures are going to be taken soon! But Karen has to . . . so she picks out some pretty pink and blue ones. Karen thinks she looks very grown-up.
Then Yicky Ricky at school calls her Four-eyes. If Karen wears her glasses for the school picture, Ricky will make fun of her. But Karen is not a wimp! Glasses or no glasses -- that Ricky is going to get it!
Christine Almeda is a Filipino-American freelance illustrator from New Jersey. She is also the illustrator of Lolo's Sari-sari Store by Sophia N. Lee and Maya and the Robot by Eve L. Ewing. Christine believes that through the power of creativity and storytelling, art can make life more beautiful. Visit her at or @eychristine.