First published in 1978, this book rapidly established itself as a classic of modern Marxism. Cohen's masterful application of advanced philosophical techniques in an uncompromising defense of historical materialism commanded widespread admiration. In the ensuing twenty years, the book has served as a flagship of a powerful intellectual movement--analytical Marxism. In this expanded edition, Cohen offers his own account of the history, and the further promise, of analytical Marxism. He also expresses reservations about traditional historical materialism, in the light of which he reconstructs the theory, and he studies the implications for historical materialism of the demise of the Soviet Union.
grad student | G.A. Cohen stan | democratic socialist | vegan
@RationalSophist @RomanianLiberal @legomaniac856 Yeah Cohen on Nozick is pretty incredible. Highly recommend Self Ownership, Freedom, and Equality if you want that kind of stuff. But if you want an analytic treatment of Marxist-y stuff, hard to go wrong with Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defense by him
editor @jacobin. Opinions my own. 🌹 Pitch me: nick (dot) french (at) jacobin (dot) com Pitch guide:
Really enjoyed this piece from @BenBurgis, a tribute to G.A. Cohen's "Karl Marx's Theory of History," one of the most impressive pieces of commentary on Marx and of recent philosophy generally.
The Black Reparations Project 2023. From Here to Equality, 2nd edition (2022)
@tommie_shelby I'm thinking specifically of his Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence where, in my estimation, he essentially flips Marx's theory upside down. Did Cohen change his position subsequently?