Nobody said your life would be easy. And the older you get, the more difficult it seems to become. Deep down you may know your value as a person isn't defined by wearing cool name-brand clothes, scoring points for a sports team or even by having a huge number of social media followers. And you're right! Your identity resides in something--in fact, Someone--much greater than anything this world can offer: the only identity worth having . . . is found in Jesus Christ!
Tim Tebow will guide you through thirty-six weeks of lessons, each based on a key Scripture, to discover who you are--by learning more about whose you are! You'll have the opportunity to write down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas on topics such as:
- Building godly character
- Maintaining great relationships
- Standing out from the crowd
- Doing things that matter in the big picture
Get ready to live bigger than ever before . . . with your faith and identity secure in a God who loves you beyond measure!
A.J. Gregory is known for over thirty-five book collaborations, including several New York Times bestsellers, with fascinating high-profile figures from celebrities to scientists. She is also the author of two books, Messy Faith and Silent Savior. A.J., her husband, and their three kids live in New Jersey.