Ganador de la Medalla de Oro de los Florida Book Awards
Lo sacrificó todo para salvar a los que más la necesitaban.
Descubre una de las historias de valor y sacrificio más inspiradoras y poco conocidas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Corrie ten Boom, una relojera holandesa, transformó desinteresadamente su hogar en un escondite para albergar a judíos durante las feroces redadas de la Gestapo. Aunque los nazis sospechaban lo que Corrie y su familia hacían, nunca pudieron encontrar a quienes se ocultaban en la casa. Como consecuencia de su postura frente a los nazis, perdió a buena parte de su familia, pero eso no impidió que Corrie enfrentara con determinación los obstáculos más terribles de la guerra, manteniéndose fiel a sus creencias y siendo un ejemplo de amor en medio de la adversidad.
La hija del relojero revela los momentos cruciales que moldearon la vida de Corrie y la llevaron a convertirse en un símbolo de esperanza y perdón.
Corrie stopped at nothing to face down the evils of her time and overcame unbelievable obstacles and odds. She persevered despite the loss of most of her family and relied on her faith to survive the horrors of a notorious concentration camp. But even more remarkable than her heroism and survival was Corrie's attitude when she was released. Miraculously, she was able to eschew bitterness and embrace forgiveness as she ministered to people in need around the globe. Corrie's ability to forgive is just one of the myriad lessons that her life story holds for readers today.
Reminiscent of Schindler's List and featuring a journey of faith and forgiveness not unlike Unbroken, The Watchmaker's Daughter is destined to become a classic work of World War II nonfiction.
Larry Loftis is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and international bestselling author of four nonfiction spy thrillers: The Watchmaker's Daughter; The Princess Spy, Code Name, Lise and Into the Lion's Mouth. A three-time winner of the Florida Book Award, his books have been translated into numerous languages and can be found in Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Serbia, Czech Republic, Taiwan, India, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and throughout the UK. Before becoming a full-time writer, Larry was an AV-rated corporate attorney and adjunct professor of law. He received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Florida, where he served on the Law Review as the Senior Executive Editor and Senior Articles Editor.