Más de medio millón de personas han recurrido a este libro para comprender la Biblia en toda su plenitud.
Esta tercera edición presenta una serie de revisiones importantes de acuerdo con los más recientes estudios académicos, los nuevos recursos y los cambios culturales. Novedades de la tercera edición: Lenguaje actualizado. Nuevo prólogo del autor. Renovación completa de varios capítulos para facilitar su lectura. Lista actualizada de recursos y comentarios.
More than half a million people have turned to "How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth" to improve their reading of the Bible.
This third edition features substantial revisions that keep pace with current scholarship, resources, and culture. Changes include: Updated language, a new authors' preface, several chapters rewritten for better readability, as well as an updated list of recommended commentaries and resources.
How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth (Revised)
More than half a million people have turned to this book to understand the Bible in all its fullness.
This third edition presents a series of important revisions in accordance with the most recent academic studies, new resources, and cultural changes. What's new in the third edition: Updated language. New author's foreword. Complete renovation of several chapters to make it easier to read. Updated list of resources and comments.
More than half a million people have turned to "How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth" to improve their reading of the Bible.
This third edition features substantial revisions that keep pace with current scholarship, resources, and culture. Changes include: Updated language, a new authors' preface, several chapters rewritten for better readability, as well as an updated list of recommended comments and resources.
Gordon Fee es considerado un destacado experto en neumatología y crítica textual del Nuevo Testamento. Fue autor de libros sobre exégesis bíblica, así como de numerosos comentarios sobre diversos libros del Nuevo Testamento. En la década de 1990, sucedió a F.F. Bruce como editor de la notable serie de comentarios evangélicos, el Nuevo Comentario Internacional sobre el Nuevo Testamento, del que forman parte sus comentarios sobre 1 Corintios y Filipenses.
Descubrió que el Códice Sinaítico en el Evangelio de Juan 1:1-8:38 y en algunas otras partes de este Evangelio no representa el tipo de texto alejandrino sino el occidental.