Intentémoslo: una gran novela policiaca y romántica a tres tiempos -1975, 1998 y 2008- acerca del asesinato de una joven de quince años en la pequeña ciudad de Aurora, en New Hampshire. En 2008, Marcus Goldman, un joven escritor, visita a su mentor -Harry Quebert, autor de una aclamada novela-, y descubre que éste tuvo una relación secreta con Nola Kellergan. Poco después, Harry es arrestado, acusado de asesinato, al encontrarse el cadáver de Nola enterrado en su jardín. Marcus comienza a investigar y a escribir un libro sobre el caso. Mientras intenta demostrar la inocencia de Harry, una trama de secretos sale a la luz. La verdad sólo llega al final de un largo, intrincado y apasionante recorrido.
El mejor libro del año para los lectores de El País.
Número 1 en ventas en Francia.
Más de 2.000.000 de lectores.
Derechos de traducción vendidos a 33 idiomas.
Premio Goncourt des Lycéens.
Gran Premio de Novela de la Academia Francesa.
Premio Lire a la mejor novela en lengua francesa.
Instant New York Times Bestseller
"Unimpeachably terrific." --The New York Times Book Review
One of CBS This Morning's 6 "Must-Have Titles for Your Summer Reading List"The publishing phenomenon topping bestseller lists around the world, with sales of more than two million copies in Europe and rights sold in more than forty countries, The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair is a fast-paced, tightly plotted, cinematic literary thriller, and an ingenious book within a book, by a dazzling young writer.
August 30, 1975: the day fifteen-year-old Nola Kellergan is glimpsed fleeing through the woods, never to be heard from again; the day Somerset, New Hampshire, lost its innocence.
Thirty-three years later, Marcus Goldman, a successful young novelist, visits Somerset to see his mentor, Harry Quebert, one of the country's most respected writers, and to find a cure for his writer's block as his publisher's deadline looms. But Marcus's plans are violently upended when Harry is suddenly and sensationally implicated in the cold-case murder of Nola Kellergan--whom, he admits, he had an affair with. As the national media convicts Harry, Marcus launches his own investigation, following a trail of clues through his mentor's books, the backwoods and isolated beaches of New Hampshire, and the hidden history of Somerset's citizens and the man they hold most dear. To save Harry, his own writing career, and eventually even himself, Marcus must answer three questions, all of which are mysteriously connected: Who killed Nola Kellergan? What happened one misty morning in Somerset in the summer of 1975? And how do you write a book to save someone's life?
El Libro de los Baltimore (2016), su esperada esperada tercera novela, recupera a Marcus Goldman como protagonista. Ahora Alfaguara publica El tigre, un relato escrito cuando Dicker contaba con diecinueve años y que por su calidad un jurado literario no creýo que fuera suyo.