Perfect for an entry-level sci-fi reader and the ideal addition to a veteran fan's collection, John Scalzi's The Last Colony will take audiences on a heart-stopping adventure into the far corners of the universe.
Retired from his fighting days, John Perry is now village ombudsman for a human colony on distant Huckleberry. With his wife, former Special Forces warrior Jane Sagan, he farms several acres, adjudicates local disputes, and enjoys watching his adopted daughter grow up.
That is, until his and Jane's past reaches out to bring them back into the game -- as leaders of a new human colony, to be peopled by settlers from all the major human worlds, for a deep political purpose that will put Perry and Sagan back in the thick of interstellar politics, betrayal, and war.
Old Man's War Series
#1 Old Man's War
#2 The Ghost Brigades
#3 The Last Colony
#4 Zoe's Tale
#5 The Human Division
#6 The End of All Things
Short fiction: "After the Coup"
Other Tor Books
The Android's Dream
Agent to the Stars
Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded
Fuzzy Nation
Lock In
The Collapsing Empire
"The Last Colony will kick your butt across the galaxy and make you care." --Rick Kleffel, The Agony Column, on The Last Colony
"Scalzi's captivating blend of off-world adventure and political intrigue remains consistently engaging." --Booklist on The Last Colony
"Full of whodunit twists and explosive action"--Publishers Weekly on The Last Colony
"The sequel to Old Man's War combines taut military action with keen insights into the moral issues revolving around developing technologies. Scalzi has a finely tuned sense of balance between personal drama and the 'big picture' ... Highly recommended." --Library Journal, Starred Review on The Ghost Brigades
"A mix of Starship Troopers and Universal Soldier, Ghost evokes awakening, betrayal, and combat in the best military sci-fi tradition." --Entertainment Weekly on The Ghost Brigades
"An impressive piece of work." --Philadelphia Inquirer on The Ghost Brigades
"Fast and deep...I like the galaxy this author's playing in, the characters he limns, the situations he's playing with, and I'm glad there's at least one more volume on the way." --San Diego Union-Tribune on The Ghost Brigades
"In Heinleinesque fashion, the book is loaded with scenes of comradeship, isolation, ruthlessness and the protocols, which govern the lives of active-duty soldiers. But this is where Scalzi, famous for his blog 'The Whatever, ' surpasses Heinlein. Scalzi weaves in subtle discussions of humanity's growing fear of aging and our simultaneous attraction and repulsion to the Frankenstein-like creatures we are able to create." --San Antonio Express-News on The Ghost Brigades
"Scalzi is a natural heir to Heinlein, and his second book in this series is a good old-fashioned space opera, which takes time to question the nature of free will." --St. Louis Press-Dispatch on The Ghost Brigades
"Astonishingly proficient." --Publishers Weekly, Starred Review on Old Man's War
"Top-notch. His combat scenes are blood-roiling. His dialogue is suitably snappy and profane. And the moral and philosophical issues he raises... insert useful ethical burrs under the military saddle of the story." --The Washington Post on Old Man's War
"Smartly conceived and thoroughly entertaining, Old Man's War is a splendid novel." --Cleveland Plain-Dealer
"Gripping and surpassingly original. It's Starship Troopers without the lectures. It's The Forever War with better sex. It's funny, it's sad, and it's true." --Cory Doctorow
"John Scalzi is a fresh and appealing new voice, and Old Man's War is classic SF seen from a modern perspective--a fast-paced tour of a daunting, hostile universe." --Robert Charles Wilson
"Thought-provoking!" --Entertainment Weekly
"Solid...[Scalzi] sidesteps most of the cliches of military science fiction, delivers fast-paced scenes of combat and pays attention to the science underpinning his premise." --San Francisco Chronicle