Historian of Cuba. LatAm & Caribbean History PhD Candidate @UWMadison. Bylines: @thenation @DissentMag I’m https://t.co/sn3zTPW2lK on BlueSky
Even today Perry Anderson will periodically come down from his mountaintop to drop another 60 page essay eviscerating some book or author Honestly, gotta respect that we’re never getting the sequel to lineages of the absolutist state but he always has time to be a hater
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Working on a PhD in history at Temple University. Study Central and Eastern Europe with an emphasis on Czechoslovakia
Pretty funny that "Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism" and "Lineages of the Absolutist State" are just one long set up to Perry Anderson's punchline that the development of feudalism is unique to Europe, and thereby the development of capitalism is unique to Europe
"What an intellectual pleasure it has been to read these texts. Anderson has a real ability for illuminating and succinct generalization."--Times Higher Educational Supplement
"The breathtaking range of conception and the architectural skill with which it has been executed make his work a formidable intellectual achievement."--New York Review of Books