Little Ewe would rather jump on logs and investigate spider webs than follow the shepherd when he calls. But what happens when she gets lost? How will she find her way home? Told in whimsical rhyme, this humorous counting book for our littlest ones is a delightful reminder that, like a loving parent, our Shepherd will find us and care for us, even when we wander from the path.
In Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep, award-winning author Laura Sassi and illustrator Tommy Doyle tell an endearing tale of a distracted sheep and her persistent shepherd, inspired by the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke 15.
Laura Sassi has a passion for telling stories in prose and rhyme. She is the author of five picture books including the best-selling Goodnight, Ark, which was a 2015 Christian Book Award Finalist; Goodnight, Manger; Diva Delores and the Opera House Mouse, which won First Honor Book for the 2019 Best in Rhyme Award; Love Is Kind; and Little Ewe. In addition to books, she's published over one hundred poems, stories, crafts, and articles in various children's publications.
Tommy Doyle is an illustrator and graphic designer who has been working in the industry for over twenty years. He is based in Melbourne, Australia.
"Wrapped in lilting rhyme and inviting illustrations, Little Ewe is a delightful and poignant tale of God's love for each one. Surrounded by a clever cast of characters and engaging numeric climb, we find our sweet ewe in need of rescue that only the Shepherd can bring. Kids and grownups alike will enjoy the adventure again and again." --Becky Kopitzke, author of The Cranky Mom Fix and The SuperMom Myth
"Meet Little Ewe and Shepherd in this perfectly penned, rhyming counting tale. It's a charming new take on an old story." --Glenys Nellist, author of more than 20 children's books, including Little Mole Finds Hope and Little Mole's Christmas Gift
"Caregivers and children alike will enjoy the reminder that when we feel lost and alone, our Shepherd's love is always near and comforting." --Tina Cho, author of Rice from Heaven, My Breakfast with Jesus, and The Ocean Calls: A Haenyeo Mermaid Story
"From the engaging rhythm to the emotive illustrations, kids will no doubt bounce and count along to the beat, while internalizing the unconditional love of a Shepherd who is always looking for that one mischievous little ewe." --Amy Parker, bestselling author and podcast host
"This adorable counting book incorporates the parable of the lost sheep and teaches little ones about the Shepherd's love. With sweet rhyming text and colorful illustrations, parents will smile when their child says, 'Read it again!'" --Crystal Bowman, bestselling author of more than 100 books for children, including Our Daily Bread for Preschoolers and My Mama and Me
"This parable for young readers teaches not only numbers but the healing power of reconciliation." --Rev. Elizabeth Wilder, Lead Pastor of Gethsemane Lutheran Church & School, Maplewood, Minnesota