Praise for Say Something!: "A motivational must-have for every collection." -- School Library Journal"In this new effort, Reynolds shows readers a variety of ways a voice can be used, listened to, and heard to make a difference... Reynolds' hand-lettered text, set in white text bubbles against a mix of bright backdrop colors and patterns, deftly works with before-and-after illustrations to show the change that children can effect. This book's encouragement to kids to find their voices can also be used to start a conversation about how they can make a difference in their world." -- Kirkus ReviewsPraise for The Word Collector: "Peter H. Reynolds always manages to walk a delicate line with his books -- make that a couple lines: weighty but not weighed down. Universal yet kid-centric. No easy feat." -- Travis Jonker, School Library Journal"Capture[s] the beauty of words and the wonder of sharing them with others... enchanting." -- Kirkus Reviews"Packs a powerful punch... capture[s] both the joy of learning and the power of kindness." -- School Library JournalPraise for Happy Dreamer: "The message of acceptance and patience comes through clearly, and the exhortation to 'carve your own path' and 'show the world who you are' will be appreciated by anyone who has ever felt misunderstood." -- Booklist"Celebrates individuality, self-expression, and the joys of being a dreamer... a liberating validation of dreaming as restorative, comforting, and powerful, while giving kids full license to be themselves." -- Publishers Weekly"A sweet gift to praise spirited individuality, this choice encourages readers to dream big. Let those sparkles fly!" -- Kirkus ReviewsPraise for The Dot: * "Simplicity itself, like the dot in the title, this small book carries a big message." -- Booklist, starred review* "In this engaging, inspiring tale, Reynolds (illustrator of the Judy Moody series) demonstrates the power of a little encouragement... Reynolds pulls off exactly what his young heroine does, creating an impressive work from deceptively simple beginnings." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review* "With art that seems perfectly suited to the mood and the message of the text, Reynolds inspires with a gentle and generous mantra: 'Just make a mark.'" --School Library Journal, starred review"It may speak to formerly artistic young readers who are selling their own abilities short." -- Kirkus Reviews