Sarah Weinman is an author and book critic.
Well this is a damn good novel, to the surprise of no one (including me)
Christopher Moore is an author.
I'm saddened by the death of Martin Amis. When I was trying to teach myself how to write novels, his books, The Rachel Papers, Money, and London Fields were great stepping stones of style and droll comedy for me.
"Amis has trumped himself. . . . A complex and daring work that contains many passages of comic genius that can hardly be matched in English fiction since Dickens." --Newsday
"Amis' prose is hiw own: slangy, showy, knowing, with pinball rhythms. . . . [London Fields] is wickedly good." --Philadelphia Inquirer
"London Fields is Martin Amis' most ambitious, intelligent and nourishing novel to date. . . . Amis is hilariously eloquent." --Cleveland Plain Dealer
"Amis is a brilliant entertainer who knows how to wrap his anger at the terminal horrors of contemporary life in a movelike montage of varying styles and voices." --Newsweek
"A literary, funny, elaborate novel marinated in sex." --Wall Street Journal
"I Am one of many readers who thought that Money was the novel of the '80s, the book that captured the obscene greed of a decade. Now, with London Fields, Amis has published what may stand as the definitive end-of-the-millennium novel." --USA Today
"Amis is a clever, skillful writer, and London Fields displays his range of talents well." --San Francisco Chronicle
"His novel is a great act of generosity, a capacious and intelligent book that announces the author's importance in the arena of contemporary literature." --Vogue