The year is 2000. The place: Utopian America. The hero: anyone who has ever longed for escape to a better life...
Translated into more than twenty languages, and the most widely read novel of its time, Looking Backward is more than a brilliant visionary's view of the future. It is a blueprint of the "perfect society," a guidebook that stimulated some of the greatest thinkers of our age. Today--in the very era it attempted to visualize--it is even more compelling than ever.
With an Introduction by Walter James Miller
And an Afterword by Eliot Fintushel
Walter James Miller--poet, playwright, critic, translator--has authored, co-authored, or edited 64 books, scores of scholarly articles, and hundreds of television and radio programs. Professor of English at New York University, he has won a writing fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts/ Ruttenberg Foundation.
Eliot Fintushel writes novels and short stories in and around the genre of science fiction and is a contributing editor to Tricycle magazine. Away from the word processor, he is also a busker and a traveling showman, a two-time winner of the National Endowment's Fellowship for Solo Performance Artists.