Casi todo el mundo intuye que podría mejorar su comportamiento, tanto en el trabajo como en la vida privada, pero pocos saben cómo conseguirlo.
Stephen R. Covey, el llamado Sócrates americano, ni da consejos paternalistas ni se dedica a sermonearnos. Su método es claro, certero y eficiente: siete etapas que el lector deberá asimilar y poner en práctica por su cuenta, adaptándolas a su personalidad y aplicándolas en todos los ámbitos de su vida.
El autor se sirve de anécdotas penetrantes y significativas destinadas a hacernos reflexionar sobre cada uno de nuestros actos y sobre el modo de acceder al cambio, a la verdadera efectividad: desde la visión personal hasta la renovación equilibrada, pasando por el liderazgo y la administración personales, el liderazgo interpersonal, la comunicación empática y la cooperación creativa.
Gracias a esto y a través del desarrollo de conceptos clave, el lector podrá comprender que todo lo que hacemos debe concordar con lo que verdaderamente captamos de la realidad que nos rodea. Por tanto, si queremos modificar una situación, deberemos cambiarnos a nosotros mismos y para ello es necesario que cambiemos también nuestras percepciones. Así lograremos desarrollar nuestra autoconfianza, nuestro carácter, nuestra integridad, nuestra honestidad y nuestra dignidad para transformar nuestro universo laboral en algo auténtico e intransferible.
Con los originales consejos de Sean Covey sobre cómo aplicar los hábitos en nuestra era moderna, la sabiduría de Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva se actualiza para dar vida a una nueva generación de líderes.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of its publication, at Paidós we publish a new revised and updated edition of the most transcendental book in the history of management.
Almost everyone senses that they could improve their behavior, both at work and in their private life, but few know how to achieve it.
Stephen R. Covey, the so-called American Socrates, neither gives paternalistic advice nor preaches to us. His method is clear, accurate and efficient: seven stages that the reader must assimilate and put into practice on their own, adapting them to their personality and applying them in all areas of their life.
The author uses penetrating and significant anecdotes designed to make us reflect on each of our actions and on how to access change, true effectiveness: from personal vision to balanced renewal, including personal leadership and administration., interpersonal leadership, empathetic communication and creative cooperation.
Thanks to this and through the development of key concepts, the reader will be able to understand that everything we do must agree with what we truly grasp about the reality that surrounds us. Therefore, if we want to change a situation, we must change ourselves and to do so it is necessary that we also change our perceptions. In this way we will be able to develop our self-confidence, our character, our integrity, our honesty and our dignity to transform our work universe into something authentic and non-transferable.
With Sean Covey's original advice on how to apply habits in our modern era, the wisdom of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is updated to bring to life a new generation of leaders.
Stephen R. Covey (1932 - 2012) authored seven management titles, four of which have sold more than a million copies each. He was an internationally respected authority on leadership, as well as an expert on families, a professor, a consultant to organizations, and a writer. He wrote several successful books, including the international bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He received a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Utah and a master's degree from Harvard University. In the 1990s, he set up the Covey Leadership Center in Utah, where courses are scheduled and companies from more than 123 countries are advised. The center is currently part of the Franklin Covey Co. company.