"What [Banham] went looking for, and the way he wrote about what he saw and felt, redefined the way the intellectual world--and then the wider world--perceived the city. . . . Banham wrote like a blissed-out lover, surrendering to his feelings of derangement and wonder while keeping his eyes wide-open. . . . [Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies] has now been reissued in a new edition with an excellent introduction by architect and scholar Joe Day. It is a landmark in the history of writing L.A."-- "Los Angeles Times"
"Still as penetrating now as when Banham completed his observations on the city in 1971."-- "LA Observed"
"Four decades later [Banham's] observations still seem sharp and illuminating. . . . Even now, to look at his aerial view of the I-10/405 interchange is to forget all the hours spent inching through its torn-up lanes and simply agree. The interchange is a work of art, full of rhythm, grit, and expansive grace--like Banham's book itself. In one volume he does the near-impossible: He makes us see this fragmented city as a breathing whole. As he expected, its ephemerality has begun to look like a virtue. Los Angeles, the city built not to last, is the city that adapts."-- "Los Angeles Magazine"
"[Los Angeles] has emerged as a central text on the city. . . . Perhaps because of its uncompromising vision, Banham's book has remained au courant."-- "Palisadian Post"
"This is a book which everyone interested in the history of Los Angeles must read. It has the rare qualities of an original vision, an easy breezy style, and an organic order. Moreover, it is richly illustrated with over a hundred photographs, maps, and charts."-- "Pacific Historical Review"
"An excellent book."-- "American Studies"