What is a boy to do when a lost penguin shows up at his door? Find out where it comes from, of course, and return it. But the journey to the South Pole is long and difficult in the boy's rowboat. There are storms to brave and deep, dark nights.To pass the time, the boy tells the penguin stories. Finally, they arrive. Yet instead of being happy, both are sad. That's when the boy realizes: The penguin hadn't been lost, it had merely been lonely.
A poignant, funny, and child-friendly story about friendship lost . . . and then found again.
Merve Emre is a contributing writer for the New Yorker and a nonfiction author.
@davidedgarwolf Everything by Oliver Jeffers: Lost and Found, Up and Down, How to Catch a Star, A Child of Books, The Incredible Book Eating Boy, The Fate of Fausto, his alphabet primer (the name escapes me), etc.
Welcome to The Pines Special School, Birmingham. The Pines School is an all aged ASC special school. In 2019, we were judged by Ofsted as good in all areas.
This week 3K have been baking jam tarts in cooking and made paper aeroplanes for Amelia Earhart in History. They have created Lanterns for the Buddhism festival of Obon and enjoyed reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers https://t.co/jcWPOE9XMm
Inventing tomorrow together. New art and music – at Aviva Studios, online, across Manchester, around the world and at MIF.
What do you do when a lost penguin turns up at your door? You take it home, of course. So we’re inviting you on to join us on an epic journey to the South Pole in a heart-warming adaptation of Oliver Jeffers’ award-winning children’s story, Lost and Found. https://t.co/ixFy2oWrh4
* "Youngsters will cheer the pals' inevitable reunion and will...request an immediate rereading of this gently humorous and heartwarming tale of friendship found, lost and regained." --Publishers Weekly, starred review