"This novel will envelop you like a fuzzy blanket." --USA Today
After accidentally killing a police office five years ago, Pearl has managed to protect her bright, frail young son Leonard from her violent past. Then one day, Pearl drops him off with their neighbor Mitch, and never returns. Mitch is far from the ideal caretaker--he's having an affair with a client's wife--but he and Leonard must find a way to bridge the gap between them as they bond as parent and child.
Gritty but big-hearted, Love in the Present Tense is an inspiring story of love and the surprising forms it can take.
"If you love Pay It Forward, The Notebook and The Five People You'll Meet in Heaven, this novel will envelop you like a fuzzy blanket." --USA Today
"Using spare, simple prose, Hyde explores the nuances of love.... Arresting." --The Charlotte Observer
"An enthralling take on the enduring bonds of family." --Life