Ken Rochon is an accomplished entrepreneur of over 30 years with Absolute Entertainment, published author of ten books, including Becoming the Perfect Networker, Succeeding 1 Connection @ a Time, global fusion DJ, founder of Perfect World Network/ Perfect Networker, photographer, world traveler, and recipient of America's Most Influential Business Connector of 2010. Out of Ken's ten books, two of them are related to world topics. Becoming the Perfect Networker teaches us all about the mindset and behaviors essential to successful networkers. Making Friends Around the World promotes acceptance and global thinking for children while The Centurion World Traveler encourages people to travel and experience the world before it becomes too late due to age or ill-health. As President of Perfect Publishing, Ken offers aspiring and talented authors the amazing opportunity of having their work published and recognized publicly. He goes to great lengths supporting writers from the first draft to the final manuscript and into the final printing stage. Traveling across the U.S. and over 101 countries to attend various speaking/public engagements and business networking events, he also finds time to indulge in his passion for photography - an art form that he majestically captures with consummate skill. Invited to shoot numerous events, Ken's stunning photos are a masterpiece of marketing, a visual delight. Following Absolute Entertainment, Ken has expanded to Absolute Productions (AP), building his renowned expertise and passion for producing world-class events. Now, in perfect alignment with his mission to make a difference in the world, his most recent project, The Umbrella Syndicate, was born from recognition of a need for expert promotion and social branding in a unique way. Tapping into the energy that "networking Gurus" have through their vast networks, this unique and timely powerful amplification tool has the ability to reach an unlimited audience.