People want to see a change in you, they care about your decision to change, but they do not care enough to see you through the transition. Family members, leaders, life coaches, and mentors often give recommendations and encouragement without understanding or sharing the pitfalls and responsibilities associated with the change. Most life changes need aftercare and management, to avoid self- destruction and returning to the things you left or something worse. Change is inescapable if you plan to grow and improve personally, professionally, financially, socially, and mentally. Planning, executing, and managing life changes can lead to success and better living for you, your family, or the community. The key to change and improvement is in the magic mirror, the mirror has no power, but yet it is magical and can reveal what you need to succeed. As stated in my first book, Stop Being The Apple That Fell From The Family Tree; you cannot continue to blame others for your decisions or current status in life. If you make a conscious decision to improve your life or shift to something different, you must be willing to put in the work required to sustain the change. It will not be worry or problem-free, and most likely, you will have to achieve the milestone alone or with restrictive resources and support. With a healthy mind, determination, knowledge, and resources, you can sustain the change as well as create a healthy community around you. The old saying is true; what's on the inside will show on the outside. The magic mirror will reveal a clearer you while providing the inner strength needed to develop a healthier inner you and create a better living on the outside. This book is intended to present tools and techniques to manage you and the community around you. Now that you have shifted, you need planning, but you also need to get to a place mentally where you can manage yourself. That's where you'll find your energy to motivate, encourage, connect, and continue. That's where you'll make your contribution to promote community, connections, and building affiliations of health and wellness.