In this manual, the reader will find an overview and background on MCP-C, and in-depth descriptions of each of the seven sessions, with sample therapist scripts and handouts for caregivers engaged in MCP-C. It also includes a case example to bring the material to life. The goal of MCP-C is to provide caregivers with the tools needed to live life as fully as possible, despite the many challenges they face. Research on MCP-C with caregivers of patients with various sites and stages of cancer and across the caregiving trajectory supports the underlying mission of MCP-C: suffering is unavoidable but meaning and purpose is always possible.
William Breitbart, MD, is Chairman, The Jimmie C. Holland Chair in Psychiatric Oncology, and Attending Psychiatrist, in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He is recipient of Lifetime Achievement Awards from IPOS, ACLP, APOS, and ACS. Dr. Breitbart's research focuses on psychiatric aspects of cancer and palliative care. He has over 400 peer reviewed publications, chapters, reviews, and textbooks.