Having a social media measurement plan and approach can no longer be an after-thought. It is a requirement of success. As nonprofits refine their social media practice, their boards are expecting reports showing results. As funders provide dollars to support programs that include social media, they too want to see results. This book offers the tools and strategies needed for nonprofits that need reliable and measurable data from their social media efforts. Using these tools will not only improve a nonprofit's decision making process but will produce results-driven metrics for staff and stakeholders.
This important resource will give savvy nonprofit professionals the information needed to produce measurable results for their social media.
Named one of the most influential women in technology by Fast Company and one of BusinessWeek's "Voices of Innovation for Social Media," Beth Kanter is the author of Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media; a visiting scholar, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation; and a speaker and trainer.
Katie Delahaye Paine is the founder of KDPaine & Partners LLC and publisher of the first blog and the first newsletter for marketing and communications professionals dedicated entirely to measurement and accountability.