Reaching the menopausal stage in life can shake up a lot of your beliefs and assumptions in life. In this book will learn to redefine yourself and be open to new things, new thinking and new ideals. You are more than a mother and a wife. Your definition is not limited to the fact that you can bear children. They go beyond that. Thus, some women find themselves at a loss when menopause sets in. Maybe because at some point in their lives, they have confined themselves to being just mothers and wives. And now that you have reached the end of your child bearing years, you are confronted with the challenge of changing the way you perceive yourself. You don't stop being mothers and wives simply because you have grown old and can no longer bear children. Your roles will continue no matter what changes your bodies will go through. This book in in the end, it is all about finding peace and balance between the unavoidable changes happening in your body and finding a way to ride through them, the best way you can. You accept what you can't change and then you study and try to understand it. After that, you use your knowledge and understanding to allow yourself to adapt to the changes. You adjust your ideals, your beliefs and even your body to the changes. You become flexible in all aspects of your life. And then, you move forward and you carry on.