Douglas Kearney writes, "If my writing makes a mess of things, it's not to flee understanding, but to map (mis-)understanding as a verb." The map's guide is MESS AND MESS AND, in which Kearney defines the terms that member his poetics, taking even prefixes as a call for semantic inquiry. Within are essays that explore "the Negrotesque," gloss specific poems and poetry collections, the inspirations (from life, literature, and otherwise) he drew upon when putting his pen to the page--as well as studies and drafts from his journals. Simultaneously playful and cutting, Kearney's collection interrogates that which inspires, troubles, and recurs in his work, the mess(es) there.
Douglas Kearney has published eight books ranging from poetry to essays. A Howard University and CalArts alum, Kearney teaches Creative Writing at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where he is a McKnight Presidential Fellow. Born in Brooklyn, raised in Altadena, CA, he lives with his family in St. Paul.
"Now and then, in Altadena, Arkansas and elsewhere, mess is a unit of measure, enough of something to feed anyone that needs to be fed. It's in this regard that measure is poetry--how we sustain and share, in sound and flavor, our capacity to make a living, to live beyond our means, which they keep on trying to keep all for themselves. What you're holding in your hands bears all of that. Shit is hard and terrible, and what you're holding in your hands, which is most definitely the shit, bears all of that, too. Humans have made a mess of things and nothing but swarm, sheen, shimmy, stagger and stutter is gonna get us in deep enough to get us out of it. An old-new analexical word search and blackword research project, an anamessianic mess for the end of time that no one can tell us how to use, MESS AND MESS AND is Miss Ann's apocalypse, Amos 'n' Andy's undermanumission, Douglas Kearney's antimassapiece."--Fred Moten
"This book is a Mess. It's a theory of Black cultural production that does its work by refusing to be straight(ened) up. It's Doug doing his do(o). Dig it. Like a mess of greens, this Mess is gritty to start with, but you know it's going to be goooood. Dig in. It won't read itself--but it might read you."--Evie Shockley