This book comprehensively examines the links between travel and music. It combines contemporary and historical analysis of the economic and social impact of music tourism, with discussions of the cultural politics of authenticity and identity.
Chris Gibson is Professor in Human Geography at the University of Wollongong. John Connell is Professor of Geography at the University of Sydney. For well over a decade they have been researching and writing about music, tourism and festivals in Australia and beyond. More recently they were part of a team undertaking Australiaâ€(TM)s largest ever study of rural festivals, with 480 festivals participating in the research. Insights from that research project feature throughout this book.
John Connell is Professor of Geography and Head of the School of Geosciences, University of Sydney. His research interests span mobility, tourism, music and place identities. He has published widely on urbanisation, migration, and tourism. His books Sydney: Emergence of a World City (Oxford University Press, 2000) and Small Worlds, Global Lives: Islands and Migration (Pinter, 1999).
Music and Tourism: On the Road Again is outstanding in every way. The authors have done a great job on presenting a very informative and focused analysis of the geography of music tourism. I'll definitely use the book when next I teach the geography of popular music.
This book is a useful addition to the literature and a pleasure to read. As most academics love to read and music is the food of love, read and enjoy.