"Die-hard fans will no doubt scoop this up..." -- Kirkus Reviews
"The noted Burroughs himself is the central character of his first novel in seven years, revisiting the site of hundreds of his dreams, a landscape ``where I get my best sets and characters.'' Numerous family members, friends and celebrities from the author's past appear-Mick Jagger, L. Ron Hubbard, Paul Bowles, Allen Ginsburg, Jack Kerouac-and locales vary wildly, from Manhattan to Panama, ancient Rome to the planet Venus." -- Publishers Weekly
"The only American novelist who may conceivably be possessed by genius." --Norman Mailer
"Burroughs is the greatest satirical writer since Jonathan Swift. . . . Swift and Rabelais and Sterne accomplished a step in that direction, and Burroughs another." --Jack Kerouac
"He's a writer of enormous richness whose books are a kind of attempt to blow up this cozy conspiracy, to allow us to see what's on the end of the fork . . . the truth." --J. G. Ballard
"Burroughs was the last great avatar of literary modernism..." -- Will Self
"A creator of grim fairy tales for adults, Burroughs spoke to our nightmare fears and, still worse, to our nightmare longings. . . . And more than any other postwar wordsmith, he bridged generations; popularity in the youth culture is greater now than during the heady days of the Beats." --The Los Angeles Times Book Review