Donald Trump's presidency has triggered a growing debate on both sides of the Atlantic about the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and U.S. policy regarding the alliance. In NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur, Ted Galen Carpenter outlines how NATO in its current form has outlived its purpose, and burden sharing is only part of the problem. Continuing to expand NATO eastward, encroaching on Russia, will only endanger the alliance.
"Ted Galen Carpenter's concise, cutting critique of NATO's triple expansions (membership, missions, and areas of operations) since the end of the Cold War is, in my view, simply unanswerable. His logic suggests they have weakened, not strengthened, the security of its members as the alliance has become both 'too big to fail and too big to work.'"
--Walter A. McDougall, Alloy-Ansin Professor of History and International Relations, University of Pennsylvania
"The transatlantic relationship has always been a troubled partnership. Never more so than today. NATO's problems go well beyond Donald Trump. There is a compelling thinking person's case for dramatically restructuring the U.S. security relationship with Europe to align transatlantic ties to reflect new realities. In this book, Ted Galen Carpenter makes this case--powerfully and elegantly."
--Christopher Layne, University Distinguished Professor of International Affairs, Texas A&M University