Married as a child bride to a tenant farmer she had never met, Rukmani works side by side in the field with her husband to wrest a living from a land ravaged by droughts, monsoons, and insects. With remarkable fortitude and courage, she meets changing times and fights poverty and disaster.
This beautiful and eloquent story tells of a simple peasant woman in a primitive village in India whose whole life is a gallant and persistent battle to care for those she loves--an unforgettable novel that "will wring your heart out" (Associated Press).
Includes an Introduction by Indira Ganesan
And an Afterword by Thrity Umrigar
"Nectar in a Sieve has a wonderful, quiet authority...without reticence or excess."--Donald Barr, The New York Times
"A novel to retain in your heart."--Milwaukee Journal
"Very moving."--Harper's Magazine
"An elemental book. It has something better than power, the truth of distilled experience."--New York Herald Tribune
"Unique in poetic beauty, in classically restrained and controlled tragedy."--Dorothy Canfield Fisher, noted author and critic
"A superb job in telling her story."--The Christian Science Monitor