"Jessica DeSpain brings together an intriguing combination of works by Charles Dickens, Susan Warner, Fanny Kemble, and Walt Whitman to produce a rich understanding of the culture of reprinting. The result is a thought-provoking and informative exploration of reprinting and textual adaptation in a transatlantic context."
- Christine Bold, University of Guelph, Canada, author of The Frontier Club: Popular Westerns and Cultural Power, 1880-1924
"The virtue of this book is that it links the transatlantic packaging of nineteenth-century books to the transatlantic interest in the body. ... the execution is superb."
- Review 19
"DeSpain's Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Reprinting and the Embodied Book will surely be a touchstone of future scholarship on textual studies, cultural materialism, and nineteenth-century literary culture. Her close, critical reading of texts - paired with her archival research and reproduced artwork - articulate a deep historical concern about modality and materiality that persists today, and her monograph contributes to an ever-expanding field of study where DeSpain's voice is sure to find its audience."
- Michael James Griffin II, Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA