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#Bookrecommendation: Dead Fingers Talk: The Restored Text By William S. #Burroughs. A new insight into the artistic process of one of the most original and influential writers of the twentieth century. #book #WilliamBurroughs
DJ Writer Drummer.
“With your help we can occupy The Reality Studio and retake their universe of Fear Death and Monopoly.--William S. Burroughs, Nova Express (1968). #NovaExpress
Professor of political science and psychology; I study belief systems + the psychological bases of political preferences. Inveterate Fall fan + cat enthusiast.
@jasonwblakely It's from William S Burroughs ('Nova Express'). Interestingly, the name of the Pomerantsev book appears in Burroughs as well. Written in the 1960s, but it consistently reminds me of the logic of the current culture war.
"Hypnotic . . . outrageous. [Burroughs] can think of the wildest parodies of erotic exuberance and invent the weirdest places for demonstrating them." --Harper's
"Burroughs is first and foremost a poet. His attunement to contemporary language is probably unequalled in American writing. Anyone with a feeling for English phrase at its most balanced, concise, and arresting, cannot fail to see this excellence."--Terry Southern
"Burroughs writes with a beauty and efficiency unmatched by any living writer."--Chicago Sun-Times
"Macabre, funny, reverberant, grotesque."--The New York Review of Books