Nuns Looking Anxious, Listening to Radios is a work in the hazard of retrieval. What sticks in retrospect? Seldom what you would expect, not always the happiness. Otherwise you could train for life, you could actually learn from grandmothers, mothers; poems-those bodies of lines and spaces -would not appear unbidden bearing news you hold your breath to hear. Helen Humphreys comes through the rich reproach of the past into the present, a bruise, a beautiful bloom.
Helen Humphreys is the author of three previous books of poetry: Gods and Other Mortals(Brick 1986), Nuns Looking Anxious, Listening to Radios (Brick 1990), and The Perils of Geography (Brick 1995). Her novel Leaving Earth (HarperCollins 1997) has been published in seven countries and won the 1998 City of Toronto Book Award. She lives and writes in Kingston, Ontario.
Nuns is a sparse, deftly-crafted set of poems, detailed, immensely witty and straight-forward.--Daryl Jung, NOW Magazine