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Book Cover for: Once, Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones


Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones

In the ancient land of Mirrors, where reflections held secrets and shadows whispered forgotten truths, a realm was teetering on the brink of oblivion. The very fabric of time was fraying, unraveling like a moth-eaten tapestry, and the heart of magic pulsed weakly, its rhythm faltering.

At the center of this fading world stood the Evil Queen, becoming the Mistress of Evil. She had been a beacon of malevolence, her desires fueled by envy and bitterness. But now, her reflection wavered, distorted by regret. The mirror that once showed her beauty now reflected her fractured soul, a mosaic of shattered dreams and broken promises.

Mistress of Evil's transformation began with a whisper, a forbidden incantation muttered in the hollows of the enchanted forest. She sought power beyond her own, a way to mend the rifts in time and restore the fading magic. But every spell exacted a price, and hers was steep. Her heart, once black as obsidian, now pulsed with a strange ache, a longing for something she couldn't name. It was a transformation of her physical form and her very essence, a journey from darkness to aching light.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Mirrorlands, Mistress of Evil ventured deeper into the forest. Ancient oaks, their branches gnarled with age, whispered secrets that only the wind could carry. Phosphorescent mushrooms, like tiny lanterns, illuminated her path. She followed the ethereal glow, guided by a spectral light that danced just beyond her reach, beckoning her into the unknown.

The fragrant world of Mirrors shifted around her. Trees twisted into grotesque shapes, their bark etched with forgotten runes. Pools of liquid silver reflected memories of lost battles, broken alliances, and the taste of poisoned apples. Mistress of Evil's footsteps echoed through the silence, each one a step closer to her destiny.

At the heart of the forest, concealed by the shifting shadows, stood the Mirror of Eternity. A colossal pane of glass, it shimmered with iridescence, its surface rippling like water. It offered glimpses of other worlds and possibilities, a gateway to the unknown. Turin pressed her hand against the glass, feeling the vibrations resonate through her bones.

"Show me," she whispered, her breath fogging the mirror. And it did. Images flickered: a prince with eyes like midnight, a spindle spinning fate, a mermaid with scales like moonlight. Each fragment held a clue, a thread to weave back the fabric of time.

Yet, the mirror was not without its demands. Turin's reflection wavered, splitting into shards. She found herself at a crossroads, torn between her old self and the promise of redemption. The Mistress of Evil, once feared, now trembled like a leaf caught in a storm, her fate hanging in the balance.

And so, with a final breath, Turin stepped into the mirror. The glass swallowed her, and the world of Mirrors held its breath. Time knitted itself together, and the heart of magic pulsed stronger, fueled by her sacrifice.

But what emerged on the other side was not the Evil Queen. Instead, a woman stood there as a stranger with eyes like fractured glass, a heart stitched from memories. Turin was gone, her name whispered only in forgotten tales.

And so, the ending of one story became the beginning of another. The fragrant world of Mirrors shifted, and new tales unfolded, a dance of light and shadow, redemption and transformation. And somewhere, in the depths of the enchanted forest, a mirror reflected a fractured soul, waiting for someone to whisper its name.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones
  • Publish Date: Sep 11st, 2024
  • Pages: 80
  • Language: English
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 8.00in - 5.00in - 0.19in - 0.21lb
  • EAN: 9798224607730
  • Categories: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & MythologyFantasy - Dark FantasyFantasy - Epic