A study of the context and contents of 35 Biblical prayers to make connections to our lives, informing us about prayer, the things about which we should pray, and the God to whom we pray. The prayers covered include those of Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Jesus, the Apostles, Paul, and many others.
Nathan Ward engages in a sensitive and humble exposition of biblical prayers, useful for anyone who wants to model their own prayers on biblical examples.
Michael F. Bird, Ridley College
This is a rich and wise commentary on biblical prayer. Those who take it up may expect interpretive surprises, and may anticipate growth in their own prayer life as well. A most welcome read designed for close study!
Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary
Sitting with these prayers and listening to the wisdom Ward has gathered concerning what they reveal about the sacred crucible of prayer cannot fail to enrich readers' practice of one of the cardinal disciplines of the Christian life.
David deSilva, Ashland Theological Seminary
Nathan Ward provides readers with a rich exploration of biblical prayer that teaches about prayer and encourages reflection on how and why we pray. All who read will thus be challenged to explore the riches of prayer once more.
David G. Firth, Trinity College Bristol/University of the Free State
This book expertly guides us on a tour of prayers in the Bible so that we better understand the wondrous mystery of prayer but also meaningfully enhances our own life of prayer. It is a marvelous gift that I will read and re-read.
David E. Garland, Baylor University
This is a beautifully clear and profound and wide-ranging and thoughtful and illuminating book on prayer in the Scriptures. The people who read it and put its insights into practice are going to have their relationship with God transformed.
John Goldingay, Fuller Theological Seminary
This well-written, accessible book roots Christian prayer in the right soil-in Holy Scripture, both Old and New Testaments. It will prove to be an excellent companion for those who are now on the same journey as the ancestors in faith whose conversations with God form the foundation for the author's helpful reflections.
Iain Provan, Founder of the Cuckoos Consultancy; Retired Professor of Biblical Studies
It is impossible to miss the emphasis which the author draws our attention to in the concluding chapter: biblical prayers reveal to us people who know who God is and who acknowledge his will, care and reign. This fact alone should make reading biblical prayers a priority for people who pray today, and Nathan Ward's book provides excellent guidance as we do so.
Debra Reid, Spurgeon's College
In this comprehensive study of the wide variety of prayers in the Bible, Nathan Ward explains 35 prayers across the whole Bible in light of their immediate and covenantal contexts, and with much practical help. Read this and you'll find yourself informed, edified, and praying more!
Alan J. Thompson, Sydney Missionary and Bible College