Environmental catastrophes, pandemics, antibiotic resistance, institutionalized injustice, and war: in a world so out of balance, what does it take--or even mean--to be a good parent? This book is one woman's search for an answer, as a moral philosopher, activist, and mother.
Drawing on the insights of philosophy and the experience of parent activists, Elizabeth Cripps calls for parents to think radically about exactly what we owe our children--and everyone else. She shows how our children's needs are inseparable from the fate of the earth and the fortunes of others and how much is at stake in parenting today. And she asks the hardest question: should we have kids at all?
Timely and thoughtful, Parenting on Earth extends a challenge to anyone raising children in a troubled world--and with it, a vision of hope for our children's future. Cripps envisions a world where kids can prosper and grow--a just world, with thriving social systems and ecosystems, where future generations can flourish and all children can lead a decent life. She explains, with bracing clarity, why those raising kids today should be a force for change and bring up their children to do the same. Hard as this can be, in the face of political gridlock, ecoanxiety, and general daily grind, the tools of philosophy and psychology can help us find a way.
Next Big Idea Club is a book club curated by Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Daniel Pink.
Psychology is not morality. Parenting on Earth: A Philosopher’s Guide to Doing Right by Your Kids and Everyone Else - Next Big Idea Club https://t.co/h6AiMWk4Ed
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📚 Parenting on Earth: A Philosopher’s Guide to Doing Right by Your Kids – and Everyone Else – @ebcripps (@mitpress) Cripps argues not tackling climate change is like ‘reading them a bedtime story while the house burns down’. @StanburyCraig @MonashUni https://t.co/VISXaTTYhj
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📘 Parenting on Earth: A Philosopher's Guide to Doing Right by Your Kids—and Everyone Else by Elizabeth Cripps Being parents and being human: building hope for our children in a fragile world.👇 https://t.co/Tue42lolv7