The winter can be long, cold, and hard. Even the holidays can be terrible.
Then, there comes a time of year when some places are no longer used.
No longer needed.
No longer wanted.
It's the coldest part of the year, in nearly every sense.
It is when a lot of the world is...
Closed for the Season.
Sometimes people go into those places anyway.
Dare you follow them?
Stories by:
Lee F. Patrick, Rob Nisbet, Ross Baxter, D.H. Aire, Eve Morton, James Burt, Jerri Moyes, Wade Hunter, R.C. Mulhare, Kay Hanifen, Brian MacDonald, Alicia Cay, Nathan Carson, Kelly Piner, Jodi Rizzotto, Jessica Guernsey, Stacey Dighton. Edited by Sam Knight.
A Colorado native, Sam Knight spent ten years in California's wine country before returning to the Rockies. When asked if he misses California, he gets a wistful look in his eyes and replies he misses the green mountains in the winter, but he is glad to be back home.
As well as having being Distribution Manager for WordFire Press and Senior Editor for Villainous Press, he is author of six children's books, four short story collections, three novels, and nearly three dozen short stories, including two media tie-ins co-authored with Kevin J. Anderson.
A stay-at-home father, Sam attempts to be a full-time writer, but there are only so many hours left in a day after kids. Once upon a time, he was known to quote books the way some people quote movies, but now he claims having a family has made him forgetful, as a survival adaptation. He can be found at and contacted at