Henry the penguin adores all things pink. Whether it's lemonade, a bicycle, or his favorite hat, Henry stays true to what he loves . . . until a schoolmate suggests that he looks ridiculous in his beloved pink hat. Peer pressure erodes his confidence, causing Henry to question himself. Although he wavers, Henry finds the strength to remain steadfast in embracing his love of pink regardless of what other penguins may say. He learns that everyone will have an opinion about his choices, but they can't control his self-expression. Ultimately, in learning to be true to himself, Henry finds friends who accept him for who he is.
Jeffrey Turner studied Advertising Design in college, working for 30 years as an Art Director and Creative Director in NYC. After leaving the world of advertising, Jeffrey worked in textiles, designing fabrics and craft magazines. But he felt something was missing and turned to children's books. As the parent of a neurodivergent son with special needs, Jeffrey sought and created ways for his son to thrive. He believes children's books should be a fun source of learning, insightful and entertaining.