Cuando descubre que su hermano humano, Nico Rico, está siendo acosado en la escuela, ¡sabe quetiene que intervenir! ¿Pero quéhará Perla?
En una encantadora y conmovedora historia sobre la amistad entre un niño y su mascota, Isabel Allende hace su debut literario infantil.
Perla is a mighty dog who has two superpowers--making people love her, and roaring like a lion.
When she finds out her human brother, Nico Rico, is being bullied at school, she knows she has to step in! But what will Perla do?
In a charming and poignant story about the bond between child and pet, Isabel Allende makes her children's literary debut.
Sandy Rodríguez es artista e ilustradora autodidacta. Creció en México rodeada de mucha familia (¡tiene más de treinta primos!). Inspirándose en los momentos cotidianos, a Sandy le encanta crear personajes divertidos con personalidades extravagantes. Su medio favorito es la acuarela y la tinta, pero también experimenta con papel de colores y gouache. Sandy vive en Londres con su marido y sus dos hijas. Puedes visitarla en o seguirla en Instagram, @SandyRodriguezG, y X, @Sandrelenrod.
Isabel Allende, born in Peru and raised in Chile, is a novelist, feminist, and philanthropist, is one of the most widely read authors in the world, having sold more than eighty million copies of her books across forty-two languages. In addition to her work as a writer, Isabel devotes much of her time to human rights causes. She has received fifteen honorary doctorates, was inducted into the California Hall of Fame, and received the PEN Center Lifetime Achievement Award and the Anisfield-Wolf Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2014, President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, and in 2018 she received the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters from the National Book Foundation. She lives in California with her husband and dogs, one of whom is named Perla. You can visit Isabel Allende at or follow her on Instagram @AllendeIsabel, on Facebook at and on X @IsabelAllende.
Sandy Rodríguez is a self-taught artist and illustrator. She grew up in Mexico surrounded by lots of family (she has more than thirty cousins!). Inspired by everyday moments, Sandy loves creating playful characters with quirky personalities. Her favorite mediums are watercolor and ink, but she also experiments with colored paper and gouache. Sandy lives in London with her husband and two fantastic daughters. You can visit Sandy Rodríguez at or follow her on Instagram @SandyRodriguezG and on X @Sandrelenrod.
B&N Best Book of 2024 (So Far)!
"Confident and voluble, pooch protagonist Perla . . . [demonstrates] that fierceness and love can be two sides of the same coin. Sprightly, animated watercolor and ink drawings by Rodriguez (Lola and the Troll) adhere to the text, maintaining the story's high energy level and finding ways to include the touches of domestic magic gestured to throughout this sprightly tale about an unlikely animalian hero." --Publishers Weekly
"Allende has crafted a winsome portrait of a miniature, magical dog whose droll commentary makes for a fab read-aloud . . . Rodríguez's vivid watercolor-and-ink artwork . . . [pulls] readers along in the fun from page to page . . . Paws up for this personable pooch." --Kirkus Reviews
"Allende's story emphasizes not only the importance of standing up to bullies but also that being small doesn't mean you have to feel small. Rodriguez's expressive and playful watercolor-and-ink illustrations give Perla fittingly large personality." --Booklist
"[Perla] narrates this story with . . . the type of cheekiness that will have kids giggling. The silly figures of a small wizard and mouse scampering around . . . makes for a cute seek-and-find that adds another layer of engagement for observant kids. [C]hildren will want to read more Perla adventures." --School Library Journal