"Holy potato chips! Batman. There's something about the crinkle of a bag of chips that is like a geek siren song." - ThinkGeek.com
"If you have a wee one with an interest in science... check out Kurzweil's latest project, the science kit in a potato chip bag." - Techcrunch.com
"Got a kid who loves science? What about potato chips? Check out Potato Chip Science -- a grab bag of lessons on everything from physics to forensics, from navigation to neuroscience." - Idaho Statesman
"There's a science-deficit among America's young and one man's cure comes packed in a potato chip bag." - CBS-TV (Philadelphia)
"A new wrinkle - or should it be crinkle? - on the kitchen-table science fair." - Buffalonews.com "Entertaining, pun-filled, intriguing, creative, and appealing." - Kirkus
"A hit with booksellers." - Publishers Weekly
"Perfect for kids. (I would have gone nuts for this as a child! And who am I kidding? I'm in my twenties and I still think it's pretty cool!)" - EW.com
"A fantastic book of science experiments for kids to do with their parents. It's terrifically designed, and filled with fun facts and puns and silliness. Super fun!" - Goodreads.com
"Potato Chip Science makes experiments tasty for children. Most kids do not need much motivation to tear into a bag of chips. So why not come up with a way to take that natural tendency and use it to expand a child's mind more than his or her waistline?" - Tulsa World
"An irresistibly introduction to the tasty side of science." - Mindware.com
"Betcha can't test just one." - Youngexplorers.com
"School's in session, which means--deep breaths, parents--science fairs are just around the corner. Get kids motivated early and find some simple-to-implement, innovative ideas with Potato Chip Science" - Time Out, Chicago, IL
"Kids will get a recommended dose of fun with their lessons in physics, biology, chemistry and earth science that is, as the packaging says, 'High in saturated facts.'" - L.A. Parent