VP @GoldwaterInst, adjunct @CatoInstitute, contrib ed. @TheObjStd, “Tim the Lawyer” @AandGShow but here I speak only for myself (OBVIOUSLY). Eleutheronormative.
@Dhruvpolitics @ObjStdInstitute I’m guessing you’d really enjoy one of my favorite books, “The Metaphysical Club” by Louis Menand. It’s a history of Pragmatism. Menand himself is an admirer of Pragmatism, which of course I’m not, but he’s objective about it & his book is beautifully written—a fascinating read!
Regian/Eph/Cantabrian/Domer Loves Dorothy Day, John Fluevog, Bryan Garner, Mookie Wilson. Associate professor of Catholic Studies (@DePaulCTH) @DePaulU.
Louis Menand's _The Metaphysical Club_ was a good book. There's probably an essay to write connecting his love of American pragmatism to the poor quality of his criticism. He doesn't seem to care about big questions. His review of Montas's superb book is a case in point.
Biographer, historian, journalist, senior editor National Review (my columns: City Desk, Country Life)
He kept his blood stained uniform in his closet all his life. Louis Menand's book on pragmatism covers this well, as I'm sure OWHJr bios must. https://t.co/ip1RWCM3tX