'...a new and powerful effort....Philip Yancey asks the tough questions about prayer that many are afraid to ask....Yancey writes as a friend and fellow-struggler, giving voice to the questions we may ponder but never bring up....This questioning process...inspires us to pursue prayer more earnestly....[This book] will encourage you as you meet with God daily and bring the details of your life before Him. You'll develop a stronger prayer vocabulary and a richer sense of the mystery and joy of prayer...'--Presidential Prayer Team
'...theological substance, quality of biblical reflection, and readability...make it accessible even to those coming to faith, Bible reading, or prayer for the first time....Yancey writes more as a journalist, with a sharp eye for detail and an investigative unwillingness to force conclusions....One of the chief benefits of Philip Yancey's work is that he'll go where the evidence leads....'--Christianity Today
'...one of the many small evidences of this book's forcefulness is the number of times I did put it down -- the number of times I interrupted my reading because I was inspired to pray....[This] is the rare book about prayer that, rather than inadvertently distracting me from the pursuit of a praying life, actually prompts me to pray....'--Books and Culture
'Yancey strikes a moving chord with this book that is more full of yearning and wonder than it is of easy answers....[It's] suffused with a cautious hope....The book's strength lies in its balance, with Yancey holding equally important ideals in a beautiful tension...'--Publishers Weekly
'Gently and with intelligence and compassion, Yancey works toward a vision of prayer as a kind of 'awkward rehersal' and, ultimately, toward the kind of conversation humankind had with God at the beginning of creation.'--Library Journal
'[Prayer] is well researched, captivating, and meets the reader right where he/she is at in the moment....If you are like me and have difficulties in praying then this book is a must for you.'--1340MAG.com
'He knows that the main purpose of prayer is not to make life easier, but to know God.'--Christian Science Sentinal
'...the author's exploration of the topic includes a candid assessment of his own sense of failure, along with his growing sense of wonder at the possibliities of conversation with God....'--Today's Christian Woman
'Yancey's combination of talent, research, and openness about his own struggles make 'Prayer' worth looking into if you...have ever felt frustrated with your prayer life.'--Relevant Magazine
'...offers readers' compelling insights about the topic of prayer, exploring the mysterious intersection where God and humans meet and relate....'--Homecoming (Bill and Gloria Gaither)
'Philip Yancey approaches the mysteries of communicating with God in this thoroughly researched yet highly accessible book....[He] skillfully interweaves Scripture with insights from Christian thinkers of many traditions, cultures, and eras....Fresh anecdotes and relevant testimonies of ordinary people give the book a compelling quality.'--The Banner
'Philip Yancey is that rare example of a self-proclaimed recovering fundamentalists who is actually a spiritually healthy human being.'--Birmingham News
'...the experience of reading 'Prayer' is similar to the experience of prayer itself: a meandering journey with streaks of brillance, communion, illumination, and satisfaction....'Prayer' is a reader-friendly book, peppered with vignettes and sidebars from people attesting to the power of prayer....[It] is subtle, elusive, and evanescent, inviting readers to discern their own meaning....'Prayer' can help reinvigorate a prayer life. It invites us to believe that God is listening.'--The Plain Dealer